Kriten is Now Available on Civo Marketplace

We’re pleased to announce that Kriten, our API-driven execution platform, is now available on Civo Marketplace.

Civo is a cloud service provider powered by Kubernetes with a mission to make the cloud more approachable for businesses. The platform's industry-leading launch times make it ideal for development and testing. This enables you to accelerate development cycles, delivering results to customers and clients with greater speed and efficiency.

One of its core features is the Civo Marketplace, which simplifies your Kubernetes experience and provides additional features and capabilities. The marketplace allows you to discover and deploy pre-configured applications in minutes, saving you the time-consuming hassle of manual installation. Choose from a wide range of open-source tools and popular solutions that streamline development workflows, monitoring, security and more.

When you create a cluster with Civo, you can add applications (like Kriten) from the Marketplace.

Why Use Kriten?

Before we jump into the installation process, let’s explore why you should use Kriten. 

Kriten is our versatile code execution platform designed to operate seamlessly with any containerised environment, including Kubernetes. It transforms containerised applications written in any modern programming language into no-code REST API endpoints. 

The platform simplifies IT automation, making it both more accessible and secure for your teams. Here’s why it’s worth using:

Empowers IT teams

We understand that those who know the systems best should automate tasks directly, as it eliminates the need for extensive coding and DevOps experience or other set-up hurdles.

Facilitates secure access

Kriten offers user authentication locally and/or Active Directory (AD), along with Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). 

Provides flexibility

Kriten provides flexibility for various use cases, including running Ansible playbooks and Python scripts.

Offers centralised control

Kriten acts as your hub for managing automation jobs. You gain much-needed visibility into access permissions and who launches jobs, giving you a clear audit trail. 

Add Kriten to Your Civo Cluster

Getting started with Kriten is easy. We’ll walk you through how to add Kriten to your Civo cluster:

Just select Kriten and your other options and create the cluster.

Less than 90 seconds later, you should have a kk3s cluster with Kriten running.

Download the kubeconfig file and check:

kubectl get pods -n kriten
NAME                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kriten-65d7b8bf57-sh8qd   1/1     Running   0          12m
kriten-postgresql-0       1/1     Running   0          12m

Add a load-balancer to make Kriten reachable:

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -n kriten -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: kriten-lb
  type: LoadBalancer
  selector: kriten
  - name: kriten-api
    protocol: TCP
    port: 8080
    targetPort: 8080

When the load-balancer has an IP address, use a browser to go to http://<IP_ADDRESS>/swagger/index.html

You’re now ready to run your code as a Kubernetes job, launched with an API call. It’s that easy!

Want to learn more about Kriten? Read the documentation, including prerequisites and guidelines information, try the examples over on GitHub, or head to the Evolvere Technologies blog to learn more about the platform’s capabilities.