
Appreciating Ansible

Appreciating Ansible

As discussed in previous blog posts, automation is becoming increasingly crucial for businesses across all sectors. Many tools help the user automate more processes, but one particular tool stands out: Ansible. This article will explore what Ansible is and why it is used by IT teams to accelerate digital transformation initiatives.

Network Configuration with Ansible

Demonstration showing how Ansible and Ansible Tower can be used to configure multi-vendor networks.

The network templates and variables are stored in a git repository, so we have version control for the entire network. It’s not necessary to store running configurations, as they can be rendered any time from the Jinja2 templates and variables.

Compliance job renders configurations and compares with running configuration, reporting any differences. This information could be used in change control tickets.

Reconcile job renders configurations and applies commands necessary to bring running configurations into compliance.

We have written an Ansible module, which is a wrapper for NAPALM to simplify the playbooks.

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